feel like a giveaway?

What does Anna Spiro + It's Complicated have in common?
Anna's chair, the print we are giving away!

Anna Spiros chair that inspired the art-

Anne's print on Anna's sofa

The beautiful work of Anne Harwell of course! When we watched It's Complicated, it was very cool to say to Kevin " you know the chair print in our bedroom? That's Anne, her work is in the movie! "

And the gallery walls by Anna Spiro of Absolutely Beautiful Things that we all admire? And that famous striped chair? Anna Spiro includes the work of Anne Harwell, and it's the image of her chair that's in my home.

I LOVE Anne's work and am thrilled to announce that she's doing a giveaway for YOU!

Here are my rules-

1. Visit Anne of course, at her blog + etsy shop annechovie
2. leave a comment and tell me, if you win this fabulous print, where will you put it? ( 1 entry )
3. if you're a follower, leave a second comment, for a second chance.
4. If you post on your blog, tweet or link on facebook leave a third comment for 3 chances to win.
5. No anonymous entry's please, and make sure I have contact information!

I will draw with random org next Monday May 24th and announce the winner Tuesday morning.
Thanks for reading, entering and telling all our friends! xx


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