
Let me introduce a company with such passion for it's products and the artisans who make them. I had a little chat with Jenny from Bohemia this past week, and to hear her passion for her work is so amazing.. we all should feel this way about our jobs!

I started by asking Jenny a little about Bohemia and here's what she had to say-

My background is a lifetime self employed working with artists, designers, photographers & crafts people. I love to discover unique & beautiful treasures & to bring them to a wider audience. I have 4 shops in Edinburgh & now with our online store we can bring our goods to a worldwide audience too. I have always believed in the democracy of beauty & try to source clothing & objects which are affordable to the majority of customers. It is also wonderful to have the opportunity to trade on an ethical basis directly with artisans in Morocco where we are growing our business together to supply beautiful leather pouffes & babouche slippers to an international audience.
We try to ensure that all the suppliers we work with adhere to ethical trading practices.

Our style aesthetic lives up to the name: Bohemia - independent, original, colourful, open-minded & with a great sense of fun!

Online shopping at Bohemia will have you jotting down items for your Christmas lists, I guarantee it! ( and crossing off on your 'to buy' list )

from scented soaps, scarves and bags, to little luxurious items..

cozy sweaters, Moroccan slippers ( HONEY! those are so on my list ;)

and pouffes of every color. You better get shopping.. you're going to love this site!

Welcome Jenny and all your staff at Bohemia.. so happy to have you here at Flourish Design + Style, xo


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