I've got something to say-
Bear with me.. I have to tell you something-
Do you have people in your life that don't understand why you blog? I realised something tonight, I've know it all along, but it became really clear to me tonight just how supportive you all are. You're the first to tell me to go for it, pat me on the back, and understand whatever nonsense I'm blabbing about. Wow.. I am so grateful to you. I'm not sure that I can put into words just how much that means.. I feel like I have a great big safety net, a hug, a friend, someone to stand up for me. I brag about you, trying to tell people just how cool it is to be a part of this... I have friends all over the world, most of you I will never meet, but I consider you family. So for that, thank you, all 815 of you. ( it was 816, but apparently someone doesn't like me anymore :(
kidding. well sort of.
and I am totally overwhelmed by the amount of you who have graciously given me the stylish blogger award.. THANK YOU.
love stella & dot? Canadian shoppers can visit my shop by clicking right here! x
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