A little bit of the random I'm loving for new house details..
I love this fireplace tile, it might be fun as a kitchen backsplash..
Head over heels for this console.. head over heels. Honey, can I please have a $2167 tv stand?! :) :)
Hubs is designing the office, it's a great room off the kitchen with sliding glass doors to tuck it all away. If I'm allowed any influence ( ;) ) I'd love to do 2 of these Ikea desks like they did at Lonny-
via + via
The easiest decision for me was the kitchen. White, white and white ( well cream, cream, cream if we're going to be exact ha! ) Cabinets, quartz and tile..I need to narrow down floor color, I want something that feels a little washed out and pale.
Here's a little rendering of my fireplace idea and why I'm going to get Jenny ( MFAMB ) to paint up some awesomness for me. I won't have built ins but you get the idea.. fire, sconce's + art.
In the entry there is the typical oversized light fixture hanging from the second floor. I have an idea to nix that and do this style of sconce on the entry walls.. might be fun right?!
There's that tile again..
My Mom has an antique armoire, credenza, what ever you want to call it similar in style to this.. we're going to paint it up to achieve this look.. Love :)
So there's what's on my mind right now.. this week we will be narrowing down our exterior colors and I need to come up with my fireplace drawing.. hmm... more time on pinterest maybe ;)
Oh, and for any of you Calgarians wondering, we are building with Stepper Homes..I can't say enough good things about these folks :) :) We are building the Broadway model with a basement walkout.
Hope your weekend is wonderful, xx
design philosophy | providing a foundation to grow and alter through the years, I keep the core basic and layer in the current, creating a room that is innately yours. I believe great interiors are not found in one shop. I know you should feel a sense of calm in your space as well as balance, and revel in that gut feeling that it’s the right fit. DESIGN SERVICES start at only 10.00. See Sarah Swanson Design at the top left of this blog!
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