before + after, new updates to my girlies rooms..

You can imagine how excited my girls were.. 4 years after we moved into this house, their rooms FINALLY got painted. I couldn't commit before..bad Mom I know. Their rooms were always spaces with items that were pulled together with whatever was around, not intended specifically for their space.

I'm happy to say that they are thrilled and so am I..they had fun being involved picking out pillows and paint colors! We didn't do a huge change, but a few new key items sure made a big difference!

You can see above the division in color.. that's on purpose but unfinished. I'm deciding how I want to finish the break.. trim, or maybe a third paint color. The top is the original wall color and I love the two together!

BEFORE //   Here's Calleigh's room before, photographed by Tracey Ayton for the Alberta Home feature earlier this year..

and now, I love the new combination of violets, blues and grey-

BEFORE // Here's Lauren's room, also photographed by Tracey Ayton for the Alberta Home feature..the ikat has moved from her room to Calleighs..

and now, the newly painted pop of pink space.. it suits her so. Both rooms really suit each girl actually!

Now on to our bedroom.. you're sure I should go navy are you?! .... .... .... ..

design philosophy | providing a foundation to grow and alter through the years, I keep the core basic and layer in the current, creating a room that is innately yours. I believe great interiors are not found in one shop. I know you should feel a sense of calm in your space as well as balance, and revel in that gut feeling that it’s the right fit. DESIGN SERVICES start at only 10.00. See Sarah Swanson Design at the top left of this blog!


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