design boards | real rooms, not just pretty imaginary ones..

I thought you might enjoy seeing some finished design boards.. I don't have alot of after pictures because with e design it's great to be able to finish a space as you can afford the changes! ( But if any of you fabulous e design clients are listening.. send after pictures, I'd love to share them!! )

Here's one..

the room before-

and the final design board outcome..

and more to come, I have so many to share!! x

design philosophy | providing a foundation to grow and alter through the years, I keep the core basic and layer in the current, creating a room that is innately yours. I believe great interiors are not found in one shop. I know you should feel a sense of calm in your space as well as balance, and revel in that gut feeling that it’s the right fit. DESIGN SERVICES start at only 10.00. See Sarah Swanson Design at the top left of this blog!


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